Barre's needs I was recently invited to attend the National Faith Forum in Washington, D.C., this year as one of four representatives from Vermont. This event is being held from Feb. 28 through March 3. Because of this I will not be present on Town Meeting Day. So, why I am choosing to attend The Faith Forum instead of Town Meeting Day? At the forum I will be attending alongside other leaders from across the country who believe in positive changes in leadership and goal setting. Changes in the ways of talking and organizing, in bringing sides together as one. I will be meeting with faith organizations that have done this as well as learn leadership and organizational techniques that they have used in their home states. There are many problems and topics that are being dealt with in other cities and states, much like our own, and I want to learn from them the best ways they have of dealing with them and the most effective problem-solving skills they have used to bring all of these ideas back to Barre. I will also have a chance to talk to the congressional delegation about Barre's needs and other hometown topics. It will be an honor to represent Barre in such a way and a great opportunity to bring new ideas back here that will help me to help our community more effectively. After much discussion and give this lots of thought, I felt this was an opportunity I could not pass up. Ericka Reil Barre City Ward 3 Councilor Paid Political Endorsement
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