For Waszazak Councilor Waszazak has been true to his promises to us. He has invested much time and effort taking aim at some of our city's issues. We need to keep him on board and working for a healthy recovery for Barre. During my tenure in Barre City council chambers, I witnessed first-hand the dedication that is part 'n' parcel to the core of who he is. Everyone in Ward 2, please vote on or before Town Meeting Day. Cast your vote to keep a decent and hard-working Teddy Waszazak on our council. All of Barre will be better for your vote and support for Teddy Waszazak. John LePage lives in Barre. Paid Political Endorsement
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Your endorsement is important to the candidate you are supporting. The rate is based on word count. Tiered rates are as follows: 50 words or less, $15; 51-175 words, $50; 176-300 words, $75. (No endorsement should be more than 300 words.)