As we approach the quarter-century mark of the newish millennium without getting stuck on how quickly it seems to have gone, it’s instructive to glance back at the beginning, when fabricated conservative rage and a malleable enough Supreme Court gave us George Bush and Dick Cheney, irrevocably altering the course of history, haunting us until now as threats of a similar scenario grow more likely with each passing day.

While it’s pure speculation who could have, should have, would have won, by ending the Florida recount and handing the presidency to Bush, the Supreme Court ensured the outcome would remain controversial, damaging the high court’s legitimacy well into the 21st century. And with the current version of SCOTUS, it’s painfully apparent that any notion of integrity has taken a back seat to politics; judicial humility has given way to appalling arrogance; and the conservative majority is already well on its way to transforming the country into the heavily armed Christian theocracy evangelicals have lusted over for decades.