The narration, a modern version of the second chapter of Luke, began the old familiar Christmas story. Mary and Joseph shuffled down the church aisle on cue, Mary cuddling a bundle clearly intended to be the baby Jesus, and Joseph strangely empty-handed. The mother laid the infant in a representation of a manger. Joseph just stood there. Even though he wasn’t the focus of the event, my old director’s instincts rose within me, and I almost cried out, “Don’t just stand there! Do something!” It’s probably a good thing his robe didn’t have pockets.

The pageant director stood off to one side of the nave, waving madly at the kids dressed up as animals and shepherds to enter from stage rear, which eventually they did, self-consciously peering at the child in the manger. They didn’t seem to have had much experience with adoration.

Willem Lange is a regular contributor to the Weekend Magazine. He lives in East Montpelier.