Every three years, Rutland Regional Medical Center has a responsibility to evaluate the health needs of our community. When we say “community,” we’re talking about a larger area that includes all of Rutland County. Being the second most populated county in Vermont means our community is diverse and varied. That’s why we work and collaborate with many people across our local region. This makes it easier to hear from as many Rutland County residents as possible to learn about our health needs.

Through the Community Health Needs Assessment, we ask people from our community, as well as doctors and service agencies, to share their thoughts about the health of their local region, the challenges their patients face, and the groups they help. The last time we asked for our community’s input was in 2021 and we found out that the top health needs were child care and parenting, housing as health care, mental health and supporting the aging community. We learned this through discussions, surveys and looking at local, state and national data.